Atomic interactions

Select an interaction potential and its parameters.

Number of chemical species in the simulation
Pair interaction matrix
The interaction matrix determines which potential to use between each pair of atoms of all possible combinations of chemical species. There are as many rows and columns as there are species, and each cell in the matrix contains the interaction of type row with type column. Click on a cell and select the potential potential and its parameters on the left, until all cells appear green.

\[ V(r)=4 \varepsilon \left[ \left( \frac {\sigma} {r} \right)^{12} - \left( \frac {\sigma} {r} \right)^6 \right] \]

$\varepsilon=$ K (binding energy)
$\sigma=$ Å (length scale, $2^{\frac16}\sigma=r_m$ is equilibrium dimer separation distance)
$r_{cut}=$ Å (all atomic interactions beyond $r_{cut}$ are ignored. recommended: $r_{cut}\approx2.5\sigma$)

Sample geometry

Select a sample geometry and boundary conditions.

$d=$ (crystal size $d\times d\times d$ unit cells )
$a_0=$ Å (lattice constant)
  • Two elements selected. Building L12 ordered phase.
  • More than two elements selected. Building L12 derived ordered phase by filling the fcc unit cell.

$r=$ Å (radius)

$N=$ (number of atoms)
$T=$ K (temperature)
$L=$ Å (box size, $V=L^3$)
  • More than one element selected, but all atoms will be of type A

rmin= Ang
The gas atoms are placed at random positions in the simulation box. If an interaction potential is used, a small fraction of neighboring atoms may be very close and thus in the repulsive regime of the potential. These atoms will repell eachother vigorously and accellerate very fast. This is undesired and can be avoided by checking this option.

Volume changing piston is not available in this mode!

Selected sample is too dense to enforce the chosen minimum distance!
Your options are:


T = K
P = MPa

current position: z=?
vz= Å/ps
maxz= Å, minz= Å
The piston is implemented by moving the two box walls perpendicular to the z-axis inward with a velocity of vz (negative vz move the walls apart). The wall is assumed to have infinite mass and reflected particles will exhibit a momentum transfer, adding 2vz to their velocity z-component.

Plot vs.

P0= MPa, τ= ps

$\frac{dP_0}{dt}$= MPa/ps
A barostat controls the pressure in the simulation cell. Pressure is lowered by expanding the cell and increased by shrinking the cell. jsMD implements a Berendsen barostat.

T0= K, τ= ps

$\frac{dT_0}{dt}$= K/ps
A thermostat controls the temperature in the simulation cell. jsMD implements a Berendsen thermostat that regulates temperature through simple velocity rescaling.
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